*~Mari Menunaikan Solat~*

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spot Strokes Fast.

My father suffers a stroke. So, it is important for me and others who wants to gain knowledge about how to quickly detect the symptoms of minor stroke.

Did you know that if you can immediately treat a mini stroke, or transient ischaemic attack(TIA), the risk of a major stroke can be reduced by 80 percent?

According to Oxford's Radcliffe Hospital, someone who suffers a TIA has similar symptoms to a stroke but it only last a few minutes. However, ignoring the symptoms can result in a major stroke following in three months. The Stroke Association uses the FAST test to diagnose whether someone is having a stroke or TIA:

  • Facial weakness - can the person smile, has the person's mouth/eye dropped?
  • Arm weakness - can the person raise both arms?
  • Speech problems - can they speak clearly and understand what you say?

Test all three symptoms. If he or she fails any of these tests, call emergency so they can receive treatment quickly at a hospital and damage to the brain can be reduced.

-Reader's Digest, October 2008

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