*~Mari Menunaikan Solat~*

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fossils Overturned Evolution Part 1

Inspired by Harun Yahya, this film reveals that fossils have discredited the theory of evolution that was proposed by Charles Darwin around 150 years ago.

According to the erroneous concept of evolution, all forms of life on Earth, from viruses to human beings, came to be as the result of this fictitious process. These claims of Darwin’s were of course based on no scientific evidence or findings.

However, since the scientific knowledge and technological means of the time were at a very primitive level, the extent to which Darwin’s claims were nonsensical and unrealistic was not yet fully clear. It was in such a climate as this that Darwin’s scenarios received immediate general acceptance from certain circles.

Materialist circles in particular attached themselves blindly to the theory of evolution, since it rejected the fact of creation. They even declared that it offered a scientific basis for their own atheistic and materialist worldview.

Modern science and technology, which have made increasingly rapid advances since the beginning of the 20th century, have revealed that there is no scientific basis at all to the theory of evolution. All branches of science concerned with the subject - microbiology, biomathematics, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, anatomy, physiology, anthropology and paleontology - have produced countless proofs demolishing the theory of evolution.

This film will show you several fossils that remain unchanged for million years, such as a 156 million-year-old dragonfly, 110 million-year-old scorpion, 208 million-year-old shrimp, 50 million-year-old bat and a 500-million-year-old starfish...

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