*~Mari Menunaikan Solat~*

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fossils Overturned Evolution Part 2: The Facts that Revealed by Fossils

Let's watch how the facts revealed by fossils descredited the theory of evolution. The theory maintains that millions of years ago, the Earth must have been populated entirely by primitive life forms. Yet, fossils tell us the exact opposite fact that completely undermines all the myths and scenario suggested by the theory.

According to the theory of evolution, over the passage of aeons (major divisions of geological time, divided into eras), all living things decended from one another by means of gradual changes. Yet if this claim of evolution were true, then flawed, imperfect, under-developed, intermediate forms representing such an imaginary process must once have existed. In fact, fully formed, flawless, complex and perfect life forms has been encountered, which are no difference compared to those living today.

Between Darwin’s time and the present day, some 100 million fossils belonging to 250,000 species recorded by scientists have been collected, yet there is not one single intermediate form fossil among them. Today, 99% of the fossils in the Earth’s strata have been unearthed and examined. The total absence of any such “transitional” fossils among them shows that it is logically impossible that these imaginary life forms will suddenly emerge from the remaining 1%. To hope, nonetheless, that intermediate life forms will one day be found is nothing more than evolutionists wishful thinking.

Life and the universe itself are not the work of blind chance; and all things, living or otherwise, were created by Almighty God.

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